First and foremost…Safety First!
In today’s workforce everyone recognizes “Safety First”. Most companies try to meet today’s standards with good intentions. We are here to help insure that they do. Our safety inspectors are of the highest quality. Our health and safety policy is constantly updating to stay in compliance with all OSHA Federal Regulations. We follow our Health and Safety Booklet to the letter and we enforce that all of our safety inspectors do as well.

Environmental disasters such as slip failures, stream bank erosion, etc. Regardless if they are small or not, in most cases, have enormous effects ranging from environmental issues to work shut downs, fines, and penalties, etc.
All precautions must be taken when disturbing ground cover if just one piece of the Environmental Control Devices (ECD’s) fail, the dominating effect could be devastating.
We are here with the knowledge so we may help guide and assist, and to see that this never happens.

Utility inspections come in a wide variety from welding to coating inspectors. As all inspectors and monitors are held to the highest standard, some positions require that “extra” knowledge and experience we insure that only the most QUALIFIED individuals are overseeing the projects’ everyday affairs.